Tuesday, 29 April 2014


                          Code del supermercato che sembrano code di scheletri in un cimitero.
La morte si ravviva mentre splende di nero
Il piacere si avvicina ad una forma di felicita’
Quella forma strana e colorata che risplende di luce trasparente
Mentre di discorsi e baci, si.. di quell ice li facciamo con la mente
Un cuore caldo che scoppia in citta’
La felicita’ e’ un momento di luce
La felicita’ puo’ dar noia puo’ dare sogni
La felicita’ rende liberi gli innocenti
La felicita’ restituisce speranza ai poveri e ai veggenti

Felicita’: un sogno di vite parallele
//La felicita' ogni tanto da le vele//
questa roccia diamantosa ruggito di cristalli
liquido multiforme uscito dalla gola dei galli
e' l' ingrediente unico blu ultramarino 
che dona gioia ad un bambino
oppure il canto melodico di un uccello 
così naturale, così bello
che pulisce l' amore e lo rende snello

Sunday, 27 April 2014

the power to refuse

the power to refuse
is the power to abuse
the power to refuse
means the will to accept
the sound of nature
the willingness of obscure
circles of love and honour
that forever endure
in the oblivion of dishonor
transform us into azure.

Thursday, 24 April 2014


There were many people
only when I really stared at the sky
I started to sink inside the galaxy
I imagined there were numbers who tremble
I only imagined myself to fly
then saw techno inferno, proxy.
Now, if there were these galaxy dreams
where stars and milk fuse along the way...
I imagine, only a big group of reflected beams
our world could be like a ship of pirates on the bay
where pirates understand each other
by only sharing glances. Over.

Monday, 21 April 2014

the stars

more is less                                                          a star is you, because
and less is more                                                 a star is wonderful and       
when I see them                     when we look at the we think of our life
my heart beats and I, adore                      we inspire, we love and dive
the wisdom and the happinessin the constellations that the stars, divine
that the stars, restless                              inhabit with mysterious charm
envelope in their core                       when we see them we see a spark
the shining beauty that irradiates       a light so green that forever barks
from their nucleus                                  a shining glimpse of memories
the melodic symphony                      stars are the tuxedo of my dreams
that comes out of them.         come out sometimes baby, these stars are
the stars give liberty to the people                       so beautiful and white
the stars are reckless victims of the universe           that my pain for life
the stars have given hope to pioneers of space         shall stop in agony
the stars burn and the stars are cold                   and my heart shall start        
like cold emeralds that fall with grace                        to beat once more
                                                               'cause I made a deal with you,
                                                                                       a deal of glory
                                                           a path that we shall adore 'cause
     when we see them our destiny lies in the emptiness of the universe

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

hell pit

there was me
in a bed sheet
and then there was you
in a trendy tweet

I was only passing by a moment of rest

you were as always looking at yourself in the mirror
I was waiting for your call
hoping you would give me a goal
waiting for you to water the plants
listening to the sound of the clouds.

If no angel ever cried or shouted any call of fight
it means only his golden curls were a sign of delight
he never meant a revolt never had to scream
the sound of victory that God has whispered you in a dream

IF all the angels were as gay as those in the sky
then maybe you were never as happy as those whom pity in hell cry


Right in the middle of the sky 
there are flying angels
dressed of blue
crawling like criminals
your heart is a room
for all my credentials
we laid on the moon
and spoke confidential
dark clouds 
gave me strength
for this confession
trust my feelings now
my sight is placed
on a green sunset
of love and possession

I dreamed of a blonde angel

I saw you
stretching your bones
under the skin
soft as the moon
like a thin melody
shaking your golden hair
and fill the air with magic
then I closed my eyes
and you were still there
writing and giving light
to the silence of melancholy